Roann R. Chaney

Born: Wednesday, September 8, 1847 in Indiana

Died: Friday, October 16, 1925 in Owen County, Indiana

Lived: 78 years 1 month 8 days



Name: Levi J. Haltom An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1844/IN - 1897/IN)

  Date: 12/13/1864 (age: 17 years 3 months 5 days) - 10/23/1897 (death/spouse, 32 years 10 months 10 days)


Son: Elwood Alonzo Haltom (1867 - 1890)

Son: James Elmer Haltom (1869 - 1941)

Son: Thomas Orlando Haltom (1870 - 1941)

Son: Clarence Jay Haltom (1871 - 1954)

Daughter: Louise Elizabeth Haltom (1873 - 1917)

Daughter: Emma Florence Haltom (1878 - 1900)

Son: William Cleveland Haltom (1884 - 1965)

Son: Edward Ross Haltom (1886 - 1945)

Daughter: Alvira A. Haltom (1888 - 1889)

Daughter: Nellie Virgil Haltom (1891 - 1963)


The History of the Haltom Family


This page was created on January 9, 2018, last updated on January 9, 2018, and viewed on May 13, 2024.

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