Jerusha Etherton

Born: 1794


Father:Moses Etherton (1770/KY - )

Mother:Rachel Skaggs (1760/KY - )


Brother: William Etherton+ (1790/KY - 1840/KY)

Brother: Louis Etherton (1790 - )

Sister: Ruth Etherton Burger Warren+ (1790/NC - 1843/TN)

Sister: Nancy Etherton Elmore (1796 - )

Brother: Moses Etherton+ (1797/KY - )

Brother: Elijah A. Etherton+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1802/KY - 1879/KY)

Sister: Louisa Etherton Brown (1805 - )

Sister: Mary Jane Etherton Davis+ (1810 - 1880)

Brother: Stephen Etherton (1810 - )

Sister: Sarah Etherton Elmore (1817 - 1848)


This page was created on February 10, 2018, last updated on February 10, 2018, and viewed on May 13, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at