John B Wakefield

Born: Monday, August 28, 1911 in Iowa

Died: Wednesday, May 25, 1994

Buried: Aspen Grove Cemetery, Des Moines County, Iowa

Lived: 82 years 8 months 27 days


Father:Jesse Montreville Wakefield (1870/IA - 1956/IA)

Mother:Hettie Elizabeth Long (1879/IA - 1959/IA)


Brother: Lawrence J. Wakefield (1900/IA - 1986/IA)

Brother: William Thomas Wakefield (1902/IA - 1949/IA)

Sister: Letha Mae Wakefield (1903/IA - 1997/IA)

Brother: Fred Wakefield (1904/IA - )

Sister: Goldie Alice Wakefield (1907/IA - 1979/IA)

Sister: Bessie Elenore Wakefield Cochran (1909/IA - 1939)

Brother: Carl Allen Wakefield An indication that this person has military service (1913/IA - 1986/IA)

History/Life Events

  Descendant of a war veteran/patriot (see details).


Find-A-Grave Website


This page was created on April 21, 2018, last updated on June 19, 2020, and viewed on June 17, 2024.

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