Samuel Henderson Clinton

Born: Tuesday, October 16, 1860 in Knox County, Tennessee

Died: Wednesday, July 8, 1914 in Sevier County, Tennessee

Buried: Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Sevier County, Tennessee

Lived: 53 years 8 months 22 days


Father:William M. Clinton (1830/TN - 1895/TN)

Mother:Sarah Etherton (1829/TN - 1880/TN)


Brother: John Taylor Clinton (1847/TN - 1916/TN)

Brother: Henry Calvin Clinton (1850/TN - 1925/TN)

Brother: Thomas Arnold Clinton (1853/TN - 1926/TN)

Brother: James Crawford Clinton (1862/TN - 1933/TN)

Brother: Marcellus Houston Clinton (1866/TN - 1954/GA)

Brother: George B. Clinton (1869/TN - )


Name: Margaret Tennessee Murphy (1858/TN - 1929/TN)

  Date: 11/15/1881 (age: 21 years 30 days) - 07/08/1914 (death, 32 years 7 months 23 days)

  Place: Sevier County, Tennessee


Daughter: Lulu Belle Clinton Inman+ (1887/TN - 1938/TN)


1880 Sevier County TN Census

Shared DNA & Shared Ancestor (Samuel Etherton) #001

Find-A-Grave Website


This page was created on August 7, 2019, last updated on July 3, 2020, and viewed on May 13, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at