Charles P. Westlund

Born: October 1869 in Varnamo, Jonkoping County, Sweden

Died: 1915

Buried: Dayton Cemetery, Henry County, Illinois


Father:Nels Westlund ( - )

Mother:Anna Anderson ( - )


Name: Hattie Burg (1872/IL - 1944/IL)

  Date: 03/28/1899 (age: 29 years 5 months 26 days) - 1915 (death, 15 years 8 months 2 days)

  Place: Henry County, Illinois


Daughter: Margaret Marjorie Westlund (1900/IL - 1967)

Daughter: Florence Westlund Lorenz+ (1901/IL - 1947)

Daughter: Hazel Westlund (1902/IL - 1948)

Son: Raymond B. Westlund (1903/IL - 1986)

Daughter: Bessie Rose Westlund Etherton+ (1905/IL - 1980/MN)

Daughter: Esther Elvera Westlund Gottsche+ (1913/IL - 2004/IN)

Son: Charles P. Westlund (1915/IL - 1964)

History/Life Events

  Occupation: Farmer.


Charles Westlund & Hattie Burg Register of Marriage, 1899

1900 Henry County IL Census

1910 Henry County IL Census


This page was created on December 17, 2019, last updated on December 21, 2019, and viewed on May 13, 2024.

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