Daniel Freemont Harrison

Born: 1854 in Illinois


Father:Belus Franklin Harrison (1820/IL - 1878/IL)

Mother:Catherine Lipe (1824/IL - 1872/IL)


Brother: Jasper Lycurgus Harrison (1847/IL - )

Brother: Charles Cicero Harrison (1848/IL - )

Brother: Isaac Newton Harrison (1849/IL - )

Sister: Sarah Ellen Harrison (1852/IL - )

Brother: Theodore Puckett Harrison (1856/IL - )

Brother: Henry R. Harrison (1858/IL - )

Brother: Frederic Harrison (1860/IL - )

Sister: Clara Rosina Harrison (1861/IL - )

History/Life Events

  Descendant of a war veteran/patriot (see details).


1860 Franklin County IL Census

1870 Franklin County IL Census


This page was created on June 27, 2020, last updated on June 27, 2020, and viewed on May 13, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at www.etherton.net