Amanda J. Baker

Born: Wednesday, August 15, 1888 in Jackson County, Illinois

Died: Wednesday, October 29, 1975 in Randolph County, Illinois

Buried: Swanwick Bethel Cemetery, Perry County, Illinois

Lived: 87 years 2 months 14 days


Father:Thomas Salam Baker (1861/IL - 1943/IL)

Mother:Sophrona Frances Worthen (1865/IL - 1915/IL)


Sister: Ida M. Baker Guymon+ (1886/IL - 1946/IL)

Brother: Walter Simon Baker (1891/IL - 1961/IL)

Brother: John Thomas Baker (1892/IL - 1919/IL)

Brother: Onie Robert Baker (1897/IL - 1946/IL)

Sister: Irene Edna Baker (1901/IL - 1966/IL)

Sister: Emma Mabel Baker (1903/IL - 1984/MO)

Sister: Gusta Hazel Baker Lisenbee Hale An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1905/IL - 1960/IL)


Name: Joseph Schott (1878/OH - 1959)


Daughter: Helen Schott (1916/IL - 1916/IL)

Official Sources (show all)

Joseph Schott & Amanda Baker Marriage License, 1905


This page was created on November 8, 2020, last updated on November 9, 2020, and viewed on September 28, 2024.

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