Effie Leone Huffine

Born: Sunday, December 21, 1884 in Sullivan County, Missouri

Died: Friday, June 2, 1967 in Trenton, Grundy County, Missouri

Buried: Galt Cemetery, Grundy County, Missouri

Lived: 82 years 5 months 12 days


Father:Thomas Elias Huffine (1859/IA - 1943/MO)

Mother:Lucina Josephine Palmer (1863/MO - 1947/MO)


Sister: Flora Maud Huffine Johnson+ (1886/KS - 1915/MO)

Sister: Flossie Anne Huffine (1889 - 1895)

Brother: Ernest Earl Huffine+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1892/KS - 1951/IA)

Brother: Wilbur Byrl Huffine+ (1898/MO - 1963/MO)


Name: Charles Earnest Ralls (1883/MO - 1969/MI)

  Date: 12/25/1902 (age: 18 years 4 days) - 06/02/1967 (death, 64 years 5 months 8 days)

  Place: Sullivan County, Missouri


Daughter: Pebble Fern Ralls (1903/MO - 1994/MI)

Daughter: Pearl Arline Ralls (1905/MO - )

Son: Edgar Reid Ralls+ (1907/MO - 1994/MI)

Son: Floy B. Ralls+ (1908/MO - 1975/MI)

Daughter: Pauline J. Ralls (1915/MO - 1920/MO)

Daughter: Francis Eugene Ralls An indication that this person has military service (1923/MO - 2014/FL)

History/Life Events

  Descendant of 3 war veteran(s)/patriot(s) (see details).


1900 Sullivan County MO Census

1920 Sullivan County MO Census

Jerry Huffine


This page was created on October 14, 1996, last updated on July 14, 2018, and viewed on May 19, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at www.etherton.net