Mathias Hagler

Born: Monday, June 8, 1812 in North Carolina

Died: Wednesday, July 28, 1897 in Illinois

Buried: Hagler Cemetery, Jackson County, Illinois

Lived: 85 years 1 month 20 days


Father:John Hagler (1781/NC - 1850/IL)

Mother:Mary Spears (1780/NC - 1832/IL)


Brother: Paul Hagler+ (1804/NC - 1855/IL)

Brother: Allen Hagler+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1808/NC - 1894/KS)

Brother: John Allen Hagler+ (1817/NC - 1884/TN)

Sister: Delilah Hagler Russell+ (1818/IL - 1905/IL)

Sister: Mary Hagler Brewster+ (1820/IL - 1899/IL)

Sister: Lucinda M. Hagler Etherton Lipe+ (1825/IL - 1898/IL)

Sister: Ellen Hagler (1827/IL - 1898/IL)

Sister: Tabitha Jane Hagler Grammer+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1828/IL - 1917/IL)

Brother: George Hagler+ An indication that this person has military service (1830/IL - 1863/TN)


Name: Rebecca Brewster (1816/KY - 1853)


Daughter: Susannah Celia Hagler Etherton+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1840/IL - 1928/IL)

Son: Henry Newton Hagler+ An indication that this person has military service (1842/IL - 1926/IL)

Daughter: Armentha Ellen Hagler Emery+ (1844/IL - 1881/IL)

Son: Daniel Newton Hagler+ (1846/IL - 1921)

Daughter: Harriet Hagler Hoyle (1848/IL - 1913/IL)

Son: William H. Hagler (1850/IL - )

Daughter: Ruth Lucinda Hagler Thompson+ (1852/IL - 1944/IL)

History/Life Events

  Service: Black Hawk War. Captain Alex. Jenkins Company, Illinois Volunteers

  Occupation: Farmer.

Official Sources (show all)

Illinois Volunteers Mustered for Discharged from the Black Hawk War, 1832


This page was created on August 23, 1997, last updated on October 25, 2021, and viewed on January 22, 2025.

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