Sylvania Hanson

Born: 1845 in Illinois


Father:Abraham Moorehouse Hanson (1822/EN - 1878)

Mother:Catherine Hiller (1820/KY - 1847/IL)


Sister: Judith Hanson Hodge (half-sister) ( - )

Sister: Ann Hanson (half-sister) ( - )

Brother: Walter H. Hanson+ An indication that this person has military service (1838/IL - 1863/TN)

Sister: Charlotte H. Hanson Lipe+ (1839/IL - )

Brother: Sylvester James Hanson (1841/IL - )

Sister: Jane E. Hanson Hooker+ (1847/IL - )

Brother: Hamor Hiller Hanson+ (1847/IL - 1919/IL)

Sister: Martha E. Hanson Hooker (half-sister) (1850/IL - )

Sister: Catherine Hanson Basden+ (half-sister) (1852/IL - 1927/IL)

Sister: Julia E. Hanson Qualls+ (half-sister) (1856/IL - 1912)

Brother: Allen Hanson+ (half-brother) (1861/IL - 1911)


This page was created on October 21, 2011, last updated on October 21, 2011, and viewed on May 19, 2024.

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