Catherine Hanson

Born: Saturday, July 24, 1852 in Jackson County, Illinois

Died: Wednesday, May 4, 1927 in Jackson County, Illinois

Buried: Worthen Cemetery, Jackson County, Illinois

Lived: 74 years 9 months 10 days


Father:Abraham Moorehouse Hanson (1822/EN - 1878)

Mother:Julia Ann Etherton (1831/IL - 1867/IL)


Sister: Judith Hanson Hodge ( - )

Sister: Ann Hanson ( - )

Brother: Walter H. Hanson+ (half-brother)An indication that this person has military service (1838/IL - 1863/TN)

Sister: Charlotte H. Hanson Lipe+ (half-sister) (1839/IL - )

Brother: Sylvester James Hanson (half-brother) (1841/IL - )

Sister: Sylvania Hanson (half-sister) (1845/IL - )

Sister: Jane E. Hanson Hooker+ (half-sister) (1847/IL - )

Brother: Hamor Hiller Hanson+ (half-brother) (1847/IL - 1919/IL)

Sister: Martha E. Hanson Hooker (1850/IL - )

Sister: Julia E. Hanson Qualls+ (1856/IL - 1912)

Brother: Allen Hanson+ (1861/IL - 1911)


Name: Henry Basden (1843/EN - 1909/IL)

  Date: 10/24/1868 (age: 16 years 3 months ) - 06/03/1909 (death/spouse, 40 years 7 months 10 days)

  Place: Murphysboro, Jackson County, Illinois


Daughter: Lisa Basden (1873/IL - )

Daughter: Etta Basden Davis (1873/IL - )

Son: Charles Basden+ (1874/IL - 1962/IL)

Daughter: Harriet E. Basden (1877/IL - )

Daughter: Alice Basden (1879/IL - )

Daughter: Malinda Basden (1881 - 1905)

Daughter: Julia Ann Basden (1882/IL - )

Daughter: Ethel Basden (1883 - )

Daughter: Cora B. Basden (1885/IL - 1940)

Son: Abraham Basden (1889/IL - )

Daughter: Nora Basden (1890/IL - )

Son: Hanson Basden (1892/IL - )

Son: Edgar Basden+ (1895/IL - 1955/IL)

Official Sources (show all)

Alice Basden Certificate of Birth, 1879

Jacob Davis & Etta Basden Marriage Register, 1891

Edgar Basden Delayed Certificate of Birth, 1942

Nora Basden Delayed Certificate of Birth, 1955


This page was created on June 20, 1997, last updated on October 26, 2017, and viewed on May 19, 2024.

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