Lucinda Eliza Lipe

Born: Saturday, July 28, 1855 in Jackson County, Illinois

Died: Saturday, February 18, 1939 in Makanda, Jackson County, Illinois

Lived: 83 years 6 months 21 days


Father:Edmond R. Lipe (1835/IL - 1910/MO)

Mother:Elizabeth Holder (1835/IL - 1897/IL)


Sister: Sarah Elizabeth Lipe Gotcher Worthen+ (1852/IL - 1935/IL)

Sister: Mary Ann Lipe (1857/IL - 1866)

Sister: Easter Lipe McCormick King+ (1858/IL - 1940/IL)

Sister: Catherine Lipe Lipe Tripp (1862/IL - 1893)

Sister: Nancy Elizabeth Lipe (1864/IL - )

Brother: David Riley Lipe (1868/IL - 1906/MO)

Sister: Anna Lipe (1869/IL - )

Sister: Emma Lipe Shelley (1872/IL - )

Brother: Lessary Lipe (1874/IL - 1906/MO)

Sister: Lydia Ellen Lipe (1877/IL - )

Brother: Arthur Melvin Lipe+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1880/IL - 1960/MO)


Name: James Matthew Nance (1850/IL - 1931)

  Date: 09/30/1873 (age: 18 years 2 months 2 days) - 1931 (death/spouse, 57 years 2 months )

  Place: Jackson County, Illinois


Daughter: Ida L. Nance (1877/IL - 1924/IL)

Daughter: Gertie Alice Nance (1879/IL - )

Son: Rolla Oscar Nance (1892/IL - )


Gertie Nance Certificate of Birth, 1879

1880 Jackson County IL Census

Rolla Oscar Nance Certificate of Birth, 1956


This page was created on December 3, 2011, last updated on October 29, 2017, and viewed on May 19, 2024.

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