Arthur Melvin Lipe

Portrait of Arthur Melvin Lipe

Born: Sunday, April 25, 1880 in Jackson County, Illinois

Died: Friday, January 22, 1960 in Scott County, Missouri

Buried: Lightner Cemetery, Scott County, Missouri

Lived: 79 years 8 months 28 days


Father:Edmond R. Lipe (1835/IL - 1910/MO)

Mother:Elizabeth Holder (1835/IL - 1897/IL)


Sister: Sarah Elizabeth Lipe Gotcher Worthen+ (1852/IL - 1935/IL)

Sister: Lucinda Eliza Lipe Nance+ (1855/IL - 1939/IL)

Sister: Mary Ann Lipe (1857/IL - 1866)

Sister: Easter Lipe McCormick King+ (1858/IL - 1940/IL)

Sister: Catherine Lipe Lipe Tripp (1862/IL - 1893)

Sister: Nancy Elizabeth Lipe (1864/IL - )

Brother: David Riley Lipe (1868/IL - 1906/MO)

Sister: Anna Lipe (1869/IL - )

Sister: Emma Lipe Shelley (1872/IL - )

Brother: Lessary Lipe (1874/IL - 1906/MO)

Sister: Lydia Ellen Lipe (1877/IL - )


Name: Grace Bell Roby (1889/MO - 1944/MO)

  Date: 05/10/1906 (age: 26 years 15 days)

Name: Mary M. Whitworth (1896 - 1973/MO)

  Date: 1946


Daughter: Annie Mae Lipe (1907/MO - 1964/MO)

Son: Ollie Gilbert Lipe (1910/MO - 1911/MO)

Daughter: Laura Bernece Lipe (1920 - 2003)


Find-A-Grave Website


This page was created on December 3, 2011, last updated on March 5, 2020, and viewed on May 19, 2024.

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