William McKinley Grammer

Born: June 1896 in Illinois

Died: February 1919 in Jackson County, Illinois


Father:John Wesley Grammer (1852/IL - 1915/IL)

Mother:Susan Elizabeth Murphy (1862/IL - 1919/IL)


Brother: Frederick Grammer (half-brother) (1875/IL - )

Sister: Victoria Grammer Lipe+ (half-sister) (1875/IL - 1965/IL)

Sister: Lottie Grammer (half-sister) (1877/IL - )

Brother: Emory Harrison Grammer+ (1883/IL - 1979/IL)

Sister: Myrtle Grammer Etherton+ (1885/IL - 1965/IL)

Sister: Catherine Elizabeth Grammer (1887/IL - 1906/IL)

Brother: John Wesley Grammer (1889/IL - 1905/IL)

Brother: Ada B. Grammer (1891/IL - )

Brother: Charles A. Grammer (1893/IL - 1946/IL)

History/Life Events

  Descendant of a war veteran/patriot (see details).


1900 Jackson County IL Census

Susan Grammer Obituary


This page was created on May 20, 2012, last updated on July 11, 2019, and viewed on May 30, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at www.etherton.net