Odace Hagler



Father:William Howard Hagler (1885/IL - 1931/IL)

Mother:Maime Ethel Gaston (1888/IL - 1968/IL)


Sister: Goldie Hagler Doty (1907/IL - 1993/IL)

Sister: Geneva Hagler Nance (1910/IL - 1994/IL)

Brother: Ogle Howard Hagler+ (1911/IL - 1967/IL)

Brother: Carl Isom Hagler+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1915/IL - 2006/IL)

Sister: Mary Ida Hagler (1919/IL - 2002/IL)

Sister: Daisy Hagler (1927/IL - 1927/IL)

Brother: Donald G Hagler+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available An indication that this person has military service (1930/IL - 2012/IL)

History/Life Events

  Descendant of 5 war veteran(s)/patriot(s) (see details).


Sherry Kyle


This page was created on February 25, 2013, last updated on February 25, 2013, and viewed on May 23, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at www.etherton.net