Source: Sherry Kyle


I received a number of Family Group Sheets from Sherry Kyle. I have taken the information from them and used it for my HTML pages.

Type: family group sheets

Date: 1996-11-16


Pages that use this source:

Edith M Baseden

Mahala Brewer

Rebecca Brewster

Edgar Brush

Rosa E. Bryant

William H. Byrd

Benjamin Franklin Conner

Charlotte Conner

Edward E. Crane

John Crawshaw

Minerva Crawshaw

John Daniels

Laura Catherine Davis

Lillian Allene Dooley

Hannah Edwards

Clarence Herbert Ellis

Hurchel Clarence Ellis

Abram M. Etherton

Ada Etherton

Ada Florence Etherton

Adelaide Haseltine Etherton

Albert Etherton

Alice R. Etherton

Allen Etherton

Alma M Etherton

Alvin H Etherton

Andrew Anderson Etherton

Andrew Jackson Etherton

Andrew Jackson Etherton

Anna Pearl Etherton

Ardell Etherton

Benjamin Blackburn Etherton

Benjamin Charles Etherton

Benjamin Franklin Etherton

Benjamin Franklin Etherton

Benjamin Franklin Etherton

Bennie Etherton

Bert Etherton

Bessie Etherton

Bessie Viola Etherton

Carrie May Etherton

Catherine Etherton

Catherine E. Etherton

Charles Etherton

Charles Etherton

Charles Alexander Etherton

Charles S. Etherton

Charlotte Etherton

Charlotte Etherton

Charlotte Etherton

Charlotte E. Etherton

Christina Etherton

Clara Jane Etherton

Clarinda Etherton

Cora Etherton

Cora Etherton

Cora Francis Etherton

Cynthia Anna Etherton

Dallas L. Etherton

Daniel Jackson Etherton

Della Blair Etherton

Delmar Homer Etherton

Dinnah Melvina Etherton

Dirindia Etherton

Donald M. Etherton

Dora L. Etherton

Doris Allene Etherton

Edith Elizabeth Etherton

Edna Ruth Etherton

Edson Lester Etherton

Edward Etherton

Elcaner Etherton

Elisha Etherton

Elizabeth Jane Etherton

Elizabeth Jane Etherton

Elizabeth Jane Etherton

Elizabeth Jane Etherton

Ellen Etherton

Ellen Etherton

Ellie Etherton

Elmer Elonzo Etherton

Elta Eugene Etherton

Emeline Etherton

Emma Etherton

Emma Dulcy Etherton

Emma L. Etherton

Ethel Etherton

Ethel Etherton

Ethel Leona Etherton

Eugene Richard Etherton

Florence Etherton

Frank Benjamin Etherton

Frank Lee Etherton

Fred Etherton

George B. Etherton

George Carroll Etherton

George K. Etherton

George W. Etherton

George W. Etherton

George Washington Etherton

Gertrude A Etherton

Glenn Harmon Etherton

Hannah Frances Etherton

Hannah L. Etherton

Harlon Etherton

Harmon Etherton

Harmon Henry Etherton

Harriett Etherton

Harrison Etherton

Harvey Etherton

Harvey Etherton

Hattie Etherton

Hollis Theodore Etherton

Homer David Etherton

Ida Ann Etherton

Infant Etherton

Irvey Russell Etherton

James Etherton

James Etherton

James A. Etherton

James Alexander Etherton

James Alexander Etherton

James Everett Etherton

James Everett Etherton

James Marcus Etherton

James Milton Etherton

James Monroe Etherton

Jane Etherton

Jane Etherton

Jane A. Etherton

Jane Ann Etherton

Jane E. Etherton

Jeanette Ruth Etherton

Jefferson Davis Etherton

Jennie Etherton

Jesse Etherton

Job Etherton

John Etherton

John Carroll Etherton

John Franklin Etherton

John McCagel Etherton

John W. Etherton

John Wesley Etherton

Joseph Davis Etherton

Juanita Etherton

Julia Etherton

Julia Ann Etherton

Julia Ann Etherton

Julia Lee Nora Etherton

Julia M. Etherton

Julia W. Etherton

Lavina D. Etherton

Leona Etherton

LeRoy Etherton

Lewis Washington Etherton

Lillian Etherton

Lillian Lucille Etherton

Lilly Etherton

Lois Helen Etherton

Louisiana Frances Etherton

Lucinda Etherton

Lucy Ann Etherton

Luvisa A. Etherton

Luvisa Jane Etherton

Lydia Etherton

Mahala Etherton

Mahala Etherton

Maria Etherton

Maria Emma Etherton

Mariah E. Etherton

Marion Etherton

Martha Etherton

Martin L. Etherton

Mary Etherton

Mary Ann Etherton

Mary Ann Etherton

Mary Belle Etherton

Mary C. Etherton

Mary J. Etherton

Mary Jane Etherton

Mary Jane Etherton

Mary O. Etherton

Matilda Ellen Etherton

Mattie Etherton

Maude Etherton

Maximilian C. Etherton

Melantha Della Etherton

Miamah Evelyn Etherton

Micajah Etherton

Micajah Etherton

Micajah Hamilton Etherton

Mildred Catherine Etherton

Minerva Etherton

Minnie Etherton

Minnie Lee Etherton

Mollie Etherton

Monroe Jackson Etherton

Nancy L. Etherton

Nelle Fern Etherton

Nellie Etherton

Noah Etherton

Nora B. Etherton

Norton Jesse Etherton

Olean Etherton

Olive B. Etherton

Omar M. Etherton

Omer Theodore Etherton

Ora Etherton

Oscar Etherton

Paulina Etherton

Phoebe Carolyn Etherton

Rachel Etherton

Rachel Rebecca Etherton

Raymond Lewis Etherton

Rebecca Etherton

Richard Etherton

Robert Lee Etherton

Robert P. Etherton

Ross Sloan Etherton

Roy Lee Etherton

Ruby Lee Etherton

Ruth Etherton

Rutha J. Etherton

Samuel Etherton

Samuel M. Etherton

Samuel Tasker Etherton

Sarah Ann Etherton

Sarah Ann Etherton

Sarah Frances Etherton

Sarah Lavina Etherton

Sarah Lavinia Etherton

Sarah M. Etherton

Scott Earl Etherton

Smith Etherton

Sophia Jane Etherton

Susan D. Etherton

Susan Ellen Etherton

Thelma Irene Etherton

Thomas Grantsor Etherton

Thomas Jefferson Etherton

Thomas Jefferson Etherton

Thomas Jefferson Etherton

Thomas Lee Etherton

Thomas M. Etherton

Thomas R. Etherton

Vallie Jackson Etherton

Virgil L. Etherton

Wilburn Etherton

William Etherton

William Anderson Etherton

William C. Etherton

William Carroll Etherton

William Carroll Etherton

William E. Etherton

William Henry Etherton

William Hod Etherton

William Jesse Etherton

William Joseph Etherton

William Joseph Etherton

William Joseph Etherton

William M. Etherton

William Oscar Etherton

William Robert Etherton

Willis Allen Etherton

Willis Hebert Etherton

Zerilda E. Etherton

Zerilda May Etherton

Josephine Farris

Rachel Ann Faubion

Agnes Mae Frazier

Charles Ross Gaston

Maime Ethel Gaston

Ollie Lucinda Gaston

Sarah Gaston

William Gaston

William Delany Gaston

William L. Gaston

Stephen Reed Golliher

Mary Catherine Goodbread

Missouri Arabell Greathouse

Alonzo Hagler

Carl Isom Hagler

Geneva Hagler

Goldie Hagler

Henry Newton Hagler

James Lewis Hagler

John Hagler

Martha Ann Hagler

Mary Elizabeth Hagler

Mary Ellen Hagler

Mary Ida Hagler

Mathias Hagler

Odace Hagler

Ogle Howard Hagler

Phillip Hagler

Tillman Hagler

William Harvey Hagler

William Jasper Hagler

Martha Hanson

Mary Hanson

Pearl Heininger

Eliza Catherine Henson

Euphemia Henson

Jacob Hiller

Minerva Ermina Hiller

Peter J. Hiller

Betsy Ann Hooker

Edward Hunsaker

Finnis A Hunsaker

Grace Hunsaker

Jacob Zimmerman Hunsaker

Joseph Hunsaker

Joseph Hunsaker

Roy Lee Hunsaker

Zelma Hunsaker

Ben Johnson

Sophia Jane Kribbe

Bertha Anna Kuehle

Aaron Lipe

Amos Lipe

Daniel Lipe

Sarah Jane Lipe

William Riley Lipe

Claude Emile Marcotte

John R. Martin

Pearl Lucille Helen Matheny

George W McNaught

LaMoyne Anona McNaught

Lawrence Etherton McNaught

Jennie Miller

Robert Gilbert Miller

Julia Rachel Mitchell

Dempsy Moore

Nellie Gilead Ogle

Sam Jones Parsons

Willis Penrod

Carolyn Queen

Miamah Helen Reynolds

Franklin T. Robinson

Urbane Ewing Robinson

Henry B. Rogers

Rachel Ann Rogers

Joseph Walter Rose

Nellie Rowan

Andrew Audrey Sawyer

James Madison Scurlock

Mary Emily Spence

Margaret Strickland

Mary Francis Strickland

Ann Hannah Sutton

Ora Bell Swindell

Louis Waller

Lydia Luvisa Waller

Mary Waller

Flora L Ward

Louisa Watson

Marcial Weeks

Mildred Weeks

Sarah Frances Whitlow

Julia Anna Williams

Lillian Williams

Mary Estelle Witbord

Helen Elizabeth Wright
