Elizabeth Lawson

Born: 1840 in Tennessee


Father:Thomas Lawson (1793/TN - 1874/MO)

Mother:Mary Ann Morgan (1797/TN - 1879/MO)


Brother: Henry H Lawson (1832/TN - 1917/MO)

Brother: Adam Yeary Lawson+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1834/TN - 1913/MO)

Brother: Alexander Lawson (1837/TN - )

Sister: Polly Lawson (1838/TN - )

Brother: Sterling Lawson (1839/TN - )

Sister: Susanna Lawson (1842/TN - )


1850 Davis County IA Census


This page was created on October 6, 2013, last updated on October 6, 2013, and viewed on June 17, 2024.

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