Gertrude E Ellis

Born: Thursday, May 22, 1884 in Illinois

Died: Sunday, May 29, 1904

Buried: Mt Pleasant Jerusalem Cemetery, Pomona, Jackson County, Illinois

Lived: 20 years 7 days


Father:George Washington Ellis (1854/IL - 1929/IL)

Mother:Rachel Montana Provence (1867/AL - 1951/IL)


Sister: Bertha Jane Ellis Hagler+ (1886/IL - 1943/IL)

Brother: Walter Ensign Ellis (1886/IL - 1951)

Sister: Mary Frances Ellis (1889/IL - 1968/IL)

Sister: Stella Mattie Ellis (1892/IL - 1988/IL)

Brother: Elbert Roy Ellis (1899/IL - 1973/IL)

Brother: Floyd Delbert Ellis (1903/IL - 1988/IL)

Sister: Alma Ruby Ellis (1913/IL - 1997/IL)

History/Life Events

  Descendant of a war veteran/patriot (see details).


1900 Jackson County IL Census

Mt Pleasant Jerusalam Cemetery from 'Find A Grave' website


This page was created on May 1, 2017, last updated on May 1, 2017, and viewed on May 19, 2024.

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