Fred Hagler

Portrait of Fred Hagler

Born: Wednesday, April 8, 1885 in Salem, Dent County, Missouri

Died: Monday, December 23, 1963 in St. Louis, , Missouri

Buried: Calvary Cemetery and Mausoleum, St. Louis County, Missouri

Lived: 78 years 8 months 15 days


Father:Thomas Jefferson Hagler (1850/IL - 1931/MO)

Mother:Lucretia J. Simms (1852/MO - 1929/MO)


Brother: Edward Hagler (1875 - )

Sister: Lula Hagler (1879 - )

Sister: Pearl Hagler (1884/MO - )

Sister: Bertha Hagler (1889/MO - 1949/MO)

Brother: Roy Hagler+ (1892/MO - 1979/CA)

Brother: Herbert Hagler+ (1896/MO - 1976)


Name: Theresa Heidenfelder (1889/MO - 1969)

History/Life Events

  Occupation: Farmer.


1900 Dent County MO Census

Fred Hagler Certificate of Death, 1963


This page was created on August 30, 2017, last updated on January 5, 2018, and viewed on May 14, 2024.

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