Sarah Caroline Thogmartin

Born: Friday, May 23, 1823 in Bedford County, Tennessee

Died: Monday, July 14, 1884 in Mercer County, Missouri

Buried: Spickard Masonic Cemetery, Grundy County, Missouri

Lived: 61 years 1 month 21 days


Father:Joseph Thogmartin (1800/NC - 1860/MO)

Mother:Rhoda Frances Ferguson (1796/TN - 1859/MO)


Sister: Mary Ann Thogmartin Etherton+ (1824/TN - 1850/MO)

Brother: Robert Thogmartin+ (1829/TN - 1902/MO)


Name: Wilson Perry Etherton An indication that a portrait of this person is available An indication that this person has military service (1823/KY - 1887/MO)

  Date: 10/01/1840 (age: 17 years 4 months 8 days) - 07/14/1884 (death, 43 years 9 months 13 days)

  Place: Ray County, Missouri


Daughter: Mary Jane Etherton (1839/MO - )

Son: Joshua Etherton (1844/MO - 1932)

Son: John Etherton+ (1847/MO - 1935/MO)

Daughter: Manerva Etherton (1849/MO - )

Son: Joseph Etherton (1851/MO - 1933/KS)

Daughter: Sarah Etherton (1852/MO - )

Daughter: Amanda Caroline Etherton Benner+ (1855/MO - 1927)

Son: Perry Etherton+ (1856/MO - 1940)

Daughter: Harriet Etherton Shipp (1859/MO - 1908/MO)

Daughter: Lucretia Etherton Amos (1861/MO - 1950/TX)

Daughter: Nancy Etherton (1863/MO - )

Daughter: Laura Etherton (1863/MO - )


1860 Mercer County MO Census



This page was created on January 13, 2018, last updated on July 31, 2018, and viewed on May 18, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at