Henry C Etherton

Born: Sunday, November 17, 1844 in Missouri

Died: Thursday, March 11, 1858

Lived: 13 years 3 months 22 days


Father:William Etherton (1818/KY - 1907)

Mother:Mary Ann Thogmartin (1824/TN - 1850/MO)


Brother: John Thomas Etherton (1841/MO - 1842)

Brother: William Etherton (1843/MO - 1864)

Sister: Mary Jane Etherton (1845/MO - )

Brother: James Ellis Etherton+ (1849/MO - 1925/MO)

Sister: Louisa J. Etherton (half-sister) (1850/MO - )

Brother: Granville Warren Etherton+ (half-brother) (1850/MO - 1914/MO)

Brother: Thomas C. Etherton+ (half-brother) (1855/MO - 1909/MO)

Sister: Ann E Etherton (half-sister) (1858/MO - )

Brother: John Crittendon Etherton+ (half-brother) (1860/MO - 1886)

Sister: Sally Etherton (half-sister) (1863/MO - )

Brother: William Clayton Etherton+ (half-brother) (1868/MO - 1923/MO)


1850 Ray County MO Census


This page was created on January 13, 2018, last updated on August 1, 2018, and viewed on May 1, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at www.etherton.net