Elijah Etherton

Born: Sunday, August 17, 1856 in Kentucky

Died: Saturday, October 26, 1940 in LaRue County, Kentucky

Lived: 84 years 2 months 9 days


Father:James A. Etherton (1830/KY - 1923/KY)

Mother:Perlina Atherton (1833 - 1911)


Sister: Sarah Ann Etherton (1859/KY - )

Sister: Judy E Etherton Conner (1861/KY - 1937/KY)

Brother: James A Etherton (1864/KY - 1944/KY)

Sister: Emily E Etherton (1868/KY - )


Name: Sarah Jane {unknown last name} (1860/KY - )


Daughter: Florence Etherton (1880/KY - )

Daughter: Lura F Etherton (1886/KY - )

Daughter: Elsie M Etherton (1889/KY - )

History/Life Events

  Occupation: Farmer.


1860 Green County KY Census

1870 Green County KY Census

1880 LaRue County KY Census

1910 LaRue County KY Census

Elijah Etherton Certificate of Death, 1940


This page was created on February 11, 2018, last updated on March 6, 2019, and viewed on May 18, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at www.etherton.net