Nancy Joann Etherton

Born: Wednesday, May 11, 1870 in Tennessee

Died: Thursday, January 16, 1936 in Sevier County, Tennessee

Buried: Cummings Chapel Cemetery, Sevier County, Tennessee

Lived: 65 years 8 months 5 days


Father:William T. Etherton (1849/TN - 1926/TN)

Mother:Nila S Terry (1848/TN - 1907)


Brother: James Taylor Etherton+ (1873/TN - 1932/TN)

Brother: Charles I. Etherton+ (1874/TN - 1949/TN)

Sister: Elizabeth Etherton (1876/TN - )

Sister: Sarah J Etherton (1879/TN - )

Sister: Mary E Etherton Clinton (1880/TN - 1946/TN)

Sister: Laura L Etherton Clinton (1882/TN - 1952/TN)

Brother: Leonidas H Etherton+ (1884/TN - 1964)

Sister: Myrtle Etherton Emert (1888/TN - 1915/TN)

Brother: Joseph Benjamin Etherton+ (1891/TN - 1973/TN)


Name: Lemuel Job Parrott (1868/TN - 1934/TN)

  Date: 01/18/1888 (age: 17 years 8 months 7 days) - 11/08/1934 (death/spouse, 46 years 9 months 21 days)

  Place: Sevier County, Tennessee


Son: Lemuel Jobie Parrott+ (1897/TN - 1962/TN)


1870 Sevier County TN Census

W.T. Etherton Obituary

Find-A-Grave Website


This page was created on March 12, 2018, last updated on January 19, 2019, and viewed on May 23, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at