Mary E Etherton

Born: Monday, March 1, 1880 in Sevier County, Tennessee

Died: Thursday, April 4, 1946 in Knox County, Tennessee

Buried: Walnut Grove Cemetery, Sevier County, Tennessee

Lived: 66 years 1 month 3 days


Father:William T. Etherton (1849/TN - 1926/TN)

Mother:Nila S Terry (1848/TN - 1907)


Sister: Nancy Joann Etherton Parrott+ (1870/TN - 1936/TN)

Brother: James Taylor Etherton+ (1873/TN - 1932/TN)

Brother: Charles I. Etherton+ (1874/TN - 1949/TN)

Sister: Elizabeth Etherton (1876/TN - )

Sister: Sarah J Etherton (1879/TN - )

Sister: Laura L Etherton Clinton (1882/TN - 1952/TN)

Brother: Leonidas H Etherton+ (1884/TN - 1964)

Sister: Myrtle Etherton Emert (1888/TN - 1915/TN)

Brother: Joseph Benjamin Etherton+ (1891/TN - 1973/TN)


Name: Joseph D. Clinton (1880 - 1963)

  Date: 12/08/1898 (age: 18 years 9 months 7 days) - 04/04/1946 (death, 47 years 3 months 27 days)

  Place: Sevier County, Tennessee


1880 Sevier County TN Census

W.T. Etherton Obituary

Mary Etherton Certificate of Death, 1946


This page was created on March 11, 2018, last updated on January 15, 2019, and viewed on May 13, 2024.

Provided by The Etherton's at