Mary Ellen Hagler

Portrait of Mary Ellen Hagler

Born: Sunday, May 2, 1869 in Jackson County, Illinois

Died: Saturday, November 12, 1955 in Carbondale, Jackson County, Illinois

Buried: Oakland Cemetery, Carbondale, Jackson County, Illinois

Lived: 86 years 6 months 10 days


Father:William Jasper Hagler (1841/IL - 1896/IL)

Mother:Sarah Ann Etherton (1843/IL - 1898/IL)


Brother: Philip Hagler ( - )

Brother: Edwin Hagler+ (1866/IL - 1893/IL)

Sister: Josephine Hagler (1872/IL - 1873/IL)

Brother: Leander Lee Hagler+ (1874/IL - 1945/IL)

Sister: Hester Ann Hagler (1876/IL - 1877/IL)

Brother: Arthur Hagler+ (1879/IL - 1949/IL)

Brother: William Jackson Hagler+ (1883/IL - 1958/CA)

Sister: Minerva Jane Hagler Johnson An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1885/IL - 1977/IL)


Name: James Allen Penrod (1865/IL - 1899)

  Date: 11/06/1890 (age: 21 years 6 months 4 days)

  Place: Jackson County, Illinois

Name: Andrew Jackson Holder (1861/IL - 1915/IL)

  Date: 1901


Son: James Ardell Penrod (1891/IL - 1969/IL)

Daughter: Leona Mae Penrod (1894/IL - 1978/IL)

Son: Frederick Leander Penrod (1897/IL - 1963/MT)

Son: Hobert Allen Penrod (1899/IL - 1959)

Daughter: Claudia Noel Holder (1902/MO - 1987/IL)

Son: August J. Holder+ (1903/IL - 1977/IL)

Daughter: Mary Augusta Holder (1907/IL - 1997/IL)

History/Life Events

  Descendant of 3 war veteran(s)/patriot(s) (see details).

Official Sources (show all)

James Ardell Penrod Certificate of Birth, 1891

Leona May Penrod Certificate of Birth, 1894

Hobart Allen Penrod Certificate of Birth, 1940

Mary Augusta Holder Delayed Certificate of Birth, 1943


This page was created on May 14, 2011, last updated on September 6, 2020, and viewed on May 13, 2024.

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