Ada Baseden

Born: Sunday, February 9, 1896 in Pomona, Jackson County, Illinois

Died: Thursday, December 21, 1978

Lived: 82 years 10 months 12 days


Father:Thomas Theadore Baseden (1873/IL - 1944/IL)

Mother:Lavica Isabell Ellis (1874/IL - 1905/IL)


Sister: Gertie Ellen Baseden (1893/IL - 1969)

Brother: William Theadore Baseden+ (1898/IL - 1961/IL)

Sister: Cora Alice Baseden Miller+ (1902/IL - 1976/IL)

Brother: Clarence Baseden (1904/IL - )

Sister: Nora Bell Baseden (half-sister) (1905/IL - 1981/IL)

Sister: Ida Mae Baseden (half-sister) (1908/IL - 1981/IL)

Sister: Edith M Baseden Etherton+ (half-sister) (1910/IL - 1993/IL)

Brother: Raleigh T Baseden+ (half-brother) (1914/IL - 2000)

Sister: Alice Lorena Baseden (half-sister) (1916/IL - 1989/MO)


1900 Jackson County IL Census

1910 Jackson County IL Census

George Basden


This page was created on October 30, 2012, last updated on June 25, 2018, and viewed on May 14, 2024.

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