Gertrude Alice Pirtle

Born: Monday, June 10, 1895 in Union County, Illinois

Died: Wednesday, December 20, 1967 in Washington

Buried: Marysville Cemetery, Snohomish County, Washington

Lived: 72 years 6 months 10 days


Father:Nathaniel Hull Pirtle (1856/AR - 1909/IL)

Mother:Mary Elizabeth Emery (1863/IL - 1941/IL)


Brother: Herbert Lee Pirtle (1883/IL - 1975/IL)

Sister: Elsie May Pirtle Lindsey+ (1886/IL - 1954/IL)

Sister: Cora Ellen Pirtle Ellis+ (1888/IL - 1968)

Sister: Ora Belle Pirtle (1890/IL - 1974/IL)

Brother: James Pirtle (1891/IL - )

Sister: Ollie M Pirtle Hagler+ (1892 - 1916)

Sister: Emma Caroline Pirtle An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1897/IL - 1977/IL)

Brother: Earl Gordon Pirtle (1899/IL - 1962)

Brother: Eric Hubert Pirtle+ (1903/IL - 1958/IL)

Brother: Roy Lee Pirtle (1908/IL - 1978/IL)


Name: Raymond Lindsey (1896/IL - 1964/WA)

  Date: 02/20/1915 (age: 19 years 8 months 10 days) - 04/24/1964 (death/spouse, 49 years 2 months 4 days)


Son: Wilson David Lindsey An indication that this person has military service (1916/IL - 1971)

Son: Gordon Lindsey (1919/IL - )

Daughter: Lora Lee Lindsey (1921/IL - )

Daughter: Roberta Lindsey (1922/IL - )

Son: Raymond Lindsey (1926/IL - 1964)

Daughter: Dorothy Lindsey (1929/IL - )

History/Life Events

  Descendant of a war veteran/patriot (see details).


1900 Jackson County IL Census

1930 Snohomish County WA Census


This page was created on April 27, 2017, last updated on April 2, 2018, and viewed on May 12, 2024.

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