Reuben Ellis

Born: Monday, February 13, 1826 in Union County, Illinois

Died: Tuesday, April 15, 1890 in Pomona, Jackson County, Illinois

Buried: Mt Pleasant Jerusalem Cemetery, Pomona, Jackson County, Illinois

Lived: 64 years 2 months 2 days


Father:Jonathan Ellis (1782/SC - 1839/TN)

Mother:Celia Bryant (1783/SC - 1854/IL)


Brother: Harrison Ellis+ ( - 1839)

Brother: Daniel T Ellis+ (1811/TN - 1868/IL)

Sister: Celia Catherine Ellis Fletcher+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1820/TN - 1913/IL)

Brother: John T. Ellis+ (1831/IL - 1888/IL)


Name: Minerva Jane Lindsey (1828/KY - 1894/IL)

  Date: 09/18/1845 (age: 19 years 7 months 5 days) - 04/15/1890 (death, 44 years 6 months 28 days)

  Place: Jackson County, Illinois


Daughter: Mary Amine Ellis Douglas+ (1846/IL - 1879/KY)

Daughter: Celia Ellen Ellis Cripps+ (1847/IL - 1907/IL)

Son: Daniel T. Ellis+ (1848/IL - 1901/IL)

Daughter: Jane Ellis (1849/IL - )

Son: Johnson Ellis+ An indication that a portrait of this person is available (1851/IL - 1923/IL)

Son: Lewis Ellis (1853/IL - )

Son: George Washington Ellis+ (1854/IL - 1929/IL)

Daughter: Ellen Lutecia Ellis Hagler+ (1856/IL - 1932/IL)

Son: William Henry Ellis+ (1858/IL - 1946/IL)

Son: Reuben Ellis (1860/IL - 1922/MO)

Daughter: Minerva Jane Ellis Parker Asa Beck+ (1863/IL - 1950/IL)

Daughter: Mary M. Ellis Wolf+ (1867/IL - 1912/IL)

History/Life Events

  Service: Veteran of the US Civil War. 81st Illinois Infantry, Company D.

Official Sources (show all)

L Parker & MJ Ellis Register of Marriage, 1880

Samuel Wolf & Mary Ellis Marriage Register, 1889

JH Asa and MJ Parker Certificate of Marriage, 1895


This page was created on May 1, 2017, last updated on November 1, 2018, and viewed on May 18, 2024.

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