Born: Monday, December 8, 1851 in Pomona, Jackson County, Illinois
Died: Wednesday, April 11, 1923 in Pomona, Jackson County, Illinois
Buried: Mt Pleasant Jerusalem Cemetery, Pomona, Jackson County, Illinois
Lived: 71 years 4 months 3 days
Father: Reuben Ellis (1826/IL - 1890/IL)
Mother: Minerva Jane Lindsey (1828/KY - 1894/IL)
Sister: Mary Amine Ellis Douglas+ ♀ (1846/IL - 1879/KY)
Sister: Celia Ellen Ellis Cripps+ ♀ (1847/IL - 1907/IL)
Brother: Daniel T. Ellis+ ♂ (1848/IL - 1901/IL)
Sister: Jane Ellis ♀ (1849/IL - )
Brother: Lewis Ellis ♂ (1853/IL - )
Brother: George Washington Ellis+ ♂ (1854/IL - 1929/IL)
Sister: Ellen Lutecia Ellis Hagler+ ♀ (1856/IL - 1932/IL)
Brother: William Henry Ellis+ ♂ (1858/IL - 1946/IL)
Brother: Reuben Ellis ♂ (1860/IL - 1922/MO)
Sister: Minerva Jane Ellis Parker Asa Beck+ ♀ (1863/IL - 1950/IL)
Sister: Mary M. Ellis Wolf+ ♀ (1867/IL - 1912/IL)
Name: Sarah Elizabeth Sumner (1860/MO - 1945/IL)
Place: Jackson County, Illinois
Son: Otis Ardell Ellis ♂ (1890/IL - 1972/IL)
Daughter: Matilda Ellis Grammer+ ♀ (1893/IL - 1947/IL)
Son: Oscar William Ellis ♂ (1895/IL - 1947/IL)
Son: Clarence Herbert Ellis+ ♂ (1901/MO - 1958/IL)
Descendant of a war veteran/patriot (see details).
Occupation: Mail messinger.
This page was created on December 30, 2017, last updated on June 16, 2018, and viewed on January 21, 2025.