William Riley Pirtle

Born: Tuesday, January 13, 1846 in Stoddard County, Missouri

Died: Wednesday, October 23, 1895 in Jackson County, Illinois

Buried: Mt Pleasant Jerusalem Cemetery, Pomona, Jackson County, Illinois

Lived: 49 years 9 months 10 days


Father:James Monroe Pirtle An indication that this person has military service (1816/TN - )

Mother:Mary Kelley (1821/NC - 1907/IL)


Brother: Hiram Pirtle (1838/TN - )

Brother: Henry Houston Pirtle+ (1842/TN - 1894/IL)

Sister: Nancy Jane Pirtle (1844/TN - 1913/NV)

Sister: Jessie Pirtle Frost+ (1849/MO - 1934/IL)

Brother: John Wesley Pirtle+ (1850/MO - 1927/IL)

Sister: Mary Caroline Pirtle (1852/AR - 1941/IL)

Brother: Luther A. Pirtle+ (1854/AR - 1944/MO)

Brother: Nathaniel Hull Pirtle+ (1856/AR - 1909/IL)

Brother: James Monroe Pirtle+ (1859/IL - 1932/IL)


Name: Sarah Catherine Robinson (1862/IL - 1890/IL)

  Date: 03/16/1879 (age: 33 years 2 months 3 days) - 03/13/1890 (death/spouse, 10 years 11 months 25 days)

  Place: Union County, Illinois


Daughter: Zula Pirtle ( - )

Son: John Wesley Pirtle (1880/IL - 1936)

Son: Albert Lee Pirtle+ (1885/IL - 1976/IL)

History/Life Events

  Descendant of a war veteran/patriot (see details).

  Occupation: Broom Maker (1880).


1850 Stoddard County MO Census

1860 Union County IL Census

1870 Union County IL Census

1880 Union County IL Census

WR Pirtle Obituary

Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900

John Pertle Obituary

Mt Pleasant Jerusalam Cemetery from 'Find A Grave' website

John Smith: Pirtle Website


This page was created on July 7, 2012, last updated on December 26, 2020, and viewed on January 21, 2025.

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