EFG Vital Stats

Total number of people in database: 10939, number/percentage of men: 5496, 50.2%, number/percentage of women: 5443, 49.8%

Total number/percentage of people with known birthdates: 9437, 86.3%

Total number/percentage of people with known deathdates: 7144, 65.3%

Total number/percentage of people with both known birthdates and deathdates: 7098, 64.9%

The average age at death is: 66.90 years.

The longest living members of the family:

  1. Annie Baston - 106.6 years
  2. Naomi Swindell - 105.6 years
  3. Rolla Austin Nausley - 105.4 years
  4. Percie Alta Mitchell - 104.9 years
  5. Fronia Woosley - 104.3 years
  6. Hattie Brewer - 103.8 years
  7. Benjamin Ceal Swindell - 103.6 years
  8. Ollie Belle Zimmer - 103.1 years
  9. Dona Lorene Leach - 102.5 years
  10. Inez B. Grammer - 102.3 years
  11. Louisa Jane Lawson - 101.9 years
  12. Susan Frances Ferrill - 101.9 years
  13. Leona Holder - 101.6 years
  14. Helen A. Wilder - 101.6 years
  15. Warren G. Grammer - 101.5 years

Total number/percentage of people with known father: 7941, 72.6%, known mother: 7923, 72.4%

Total number of sources: 3300. (The entire list.)

Top sources:

  1. Find-A-Grave Website (2325x)
  2. A Genealogical History of 3 Pioneer Families of Jackson County, Illinois (611x)
  3. 1900 Jackson County IL Census (582x)
  4. Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900 (519x)
  5. 1920 Jackson County IL Census (469x)
  6. 1910 Jackson County IL Census (452x)
  7. Sherry Kyle (366x)
  8. Pleasant Grove Memorial Park (350x)
  9. 1940 Jackson County IL Census (345x)
  10. 1880 Jackson County IL Census (321x)
  11. 1930 Jackson County IL Census (320x)
  12. 1850 Jackson County IL Census (288x)
  13. Oakland Cemetery, Jackson County, Illinois (266x)
  14. 1870 Jackson County IL Census (226x)
  15. Tower Grove Cemetery (207x)

Total number/percentage of people with at least one source listed: 9677, 88.5%

Total number/percentage of people with picture: 919, 8.4%
