EFG Vital Stats
Total number of people in database: 10939, number/percentage of men: 5496, 50.2%, number/percentage of women: 5443, 49.8%
Total number/percentage of people with known birthdates: 9437, 86.3%
Total number/percentage of people with known deathdates: 7144, 65.3%
Total number/percentage of people with both known birthdates and deathdates: 7098, 64.9%
The average age at death is: 66.90 years.
The longest living members of the family:
- Annie Baston - 106.6 years
- Naomi Swindell - 105.6 years
- Rolla Austin Nausley - 105.4 years
- Percie Alta Mitchell - 104.9 years
- Fronia Woosley - 104.3 years
- Hattie Brewer - 103.8 years
- Benjamin Ceal Swindell - 103.6 years
- Ollie Belle Zimmer - 103.1 years
- Dona Lorene Leach - 102.5 years
- Inez B. Grammer - 102.3 years
- Louisa Jane Lawson - 101.9 years
- Susan Frances Ferrill - 101.9 years
- Leona Holder - 101.6 years
- Helen A. Wilder - 101.6 years
- Warren G. Grammer - 101.5 years
Total number/percentage of people with known father: 7941, 72.6%, known mother: 7923, 72.4%
Total number of sources: 3300. (The entire list.)
Top sources:
- Find-A-Grave Website (2325x)
- A Genealogical History of 3 Pioneer Families of Jackson County, Illinois (611x)
- 1900 Jackson County IL Census (582x)
- Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900 (519x)
- 1920 Jackson County IL Census (469x)
- 1910 Jackson County IL Census (452x)
- Sherry Kyle (366x)
- Pleasant Grove Memorial Park (350x)
- 1940 Jackson County IL Census (345x)
- 1880 Jackson County IL Census (321x)
- 1930 Jackson County IL Census (320x)
- 1850 Jackson County IL Census (288x)
- Oakland Cemetery, Jackson County, Illinois (266x)
- 1870 Jackson County IL Census (226x)
- Tower Grove Cemetery (207x)
Total number/percentage of people with at least one source listed: 9677, 88.5%
Total number/percentage of people with picture: 919, 8.4%